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My journey to CrossFit is not uncommon. I was tired of running, going to the ‘big gyms’ that didn’t know your name, & making no progress. CrossFit’s community & competition absorbed me & I’ve never looked back.
I went to school at Arizona State for Professional Golf Management where I earned my Class A PGA Card. Teaching golf is a lot like coaching CrossFit, from Core to Extremity. I also coach for the South Lyon Thunder travel baseball team, so I must love coaching! My wife Jenelle & kids Sloane & Nolan all come to the gym to be with the community. To me, that’s what it’s all about & that’s why we do it. Workout, eat right, be around friends and have fun.
Book your free intro today to see how we can help you reach your fitness goals.
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29665 WK Smith Dr, Suite B New Hudson, MI 48165